It is 10:45pm here in Ethiopia and we are winding down our time here in ET. We are in the Home Stretch! Pray for our health as the girls are battling coughs and teaching them personal hygene has been interesting (wink wink from Todd).
We have had an incredible time of getting to know each other and our bonding time has been inexplainable! I know we'll have some challenging times to come but really things are going much better than we ever anticipated - Thanks be to God!!. Our oldest, wisest and smartest daughter has been translating for some other adoptive parents here in our guest house. She is most pleased when we notice how smart she is and LOVES being delighted in! Our youngest, most affectionate, socialite loves saying "wudeshallow, Mommy" and wudehallow, Apapa" (I love you) in Amharic. And then she'll translate for us by saying it all in english as well! (after being prompted by her older sister.) We are in LOVE! Everyone comments on happy and well adjusted they seem. I'm in so much trouble as they are by far the most beautiful little girls I have ever layed my eyes on. Little bitty knows it, too.
We have one more full day here and we are emotionally, spiritually and physically drained and are ready to return home to get filled up. We miss you all desperately and cannot wait for you to meet our beautiful, wonderful, most delightful girls!
Love, Emily
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